Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ch. 9 Landscape

-focus on the natural world without the presence of humans
- tends to be more formal



Landmarks in Landscape
Carleton E. Watkins- photographed the grandeur American West as well as Yosemite Valley/ made gallery in San Francisco > photos one of the first to be made into art
Ansel Adams- took shots of Yosemite Valley > the way of seeing the natural world was forever changed> helped in the preserving of it
Photographing the Landscape
Thinking Artistically
- Composition and Viewpoint > critical / positioning of the camera and angle of the shot
- Value= the lighting of the image and the different tones it brings to the Image
Ex: wide range makes dramatic/ narrow range makes more contemplated
Try creating a balance between UNITY and VARIETY> creates an image that is not chaotic
Camera Settings
> maximum depth of field
   - use small f/stops
   - creating longer shutter speeds
   - tripod useful for sharp crisp images


  > just after sunrise and just after sunset
  - direct lighting easier for distance shots then close up (for close up creates shadows and thats not good)
  - angle of the sun
- 100 ISO with 35mm
with medium or large format camera
- black and white prefered, color can over power other elements of art
- wide-angle lense that capture more of the scene
gives closer and farther images creating depth
- Macro lenses useful for close-up images
- yellow filters bring out clouds
- red filter- for deep black skies
Camera Support
- small f/stops slower shutter speed must use tripod
The Grand Landscape
- the "big view" for pictures of the great outdoors-- wide open expanses that showcase the majesty of the natural world
Ex: national, state or city parks
- always includes a large expanse of the scene, and wide- angle lenses will give you a wider view
traditional composition remember rule of thirds and positioning of subject
- yellow, orange, and red filter to make clouds stand out
Landscape Details and Close- ups

close- up
 - more inviting
- Fall and Spring seasons present colors
- cloudy and overcast conditions ideal to iliminate shadows
Abstracted Elements in the Landscape
- images composed of lines, shapes, values, and textures
- get really close and photograph a part of the whole
telephoto> for distance macro> for small subjects

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