Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ch. 8 Blog Notes Pg. 179-197

Architecture and Urban Landscape
indirect portraits- buildings materials, styles and scale provide clues to who the people are that built them where and what their lives were like.
- lets us examine the formal aspects of design
-has a lot in common with landscape photography
Looking Back
architecture was popular b/c:
- moving pictures took to long
-buildings were stationary
-emphasis on creating EMOTION through use of lighting and shadows
Photographing the Built Environment
Thinking Artistically
- a visual recording of a building
- a casual "sketch" of a place and the emotions connected to it
-details of a building
Lines-=can be used to lead the viewers eye or cut the image into different sections of values or textures
pattern- the repetition of any of the elements or art
            - adds visual complexity
Camera Settings
smaller f-stop creates greater depth of field, bringing more of the scene into focus
use bigger camera format for the most detailed images
a slow ISO setting creates a finer image
value most important in black and white photography
value helps determine the shapes of objects and the direction of the light source
contrast- the greater the difference in the tonal values, the more 3-dimensional the image will look. the more similar the values in a print are, the more 2-dimensional it looks
low-key print= has darker values
high-key print= made up of mostly lighter values
texture- the tactile or "touchable" quality of a surface
            - enhances the 3-dimensional quality of a photograph
Color- emphasizes color, setting (commercial)
Black and White- emphasizes values, shapes and textures (artistic)

important for interior architectural photography
incandescent-regular household bulbs (appears orange)
quartz- modern spotlights (appears yellow)
fluorescent- (appears greener)

wide-angle lenses are preferable b/c in an enclosed space it can be difficult to get the whole image

Camera Support
tripods are best used in using a slow shutter speed b/c it creates a fine-grained film and lots of depth of field
preferably a light weight one

a polarizer can separate images and reduce shininess

The Big View
(commercial) wide-angle view, overall view
perspective distortion- appears as strong converging lines in a building, where the sides of the building angle toward each other instead of looking parallel as they are in reality
straight forwards shot creates a 2-dimensional image
a bit to the side will reveal better textures, forms, and shadows
great way to tune into the visual world around us
The Detail Shot
features the detailed architectural elements of a buildings exterior or interior
want to use telephoto lenses so that you can stand at street level and zero in on intriguing elements
Interior Views
can create a presence of the of the people who live in and use a room
wide-angle lens for big view
the higher the f-stop the more depth of field you get
    - good for close range/ detail shots
tripod preferable b/c most likely will have slow shutter speed and aperture

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