Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Chapter 5 Portraits

- People are the most popular subject in photography
-Portraits demonstrate similarities & differences between the subject & us as a viewer


-Self= help us explore who we are
-Candid=  person doing every day activities
-Environmental= in a setting that says something about him/her
Early Portrait Photography-
Took the place of painted portraits

Creating Portrait Photos

- thinking artistically
Value- (important) the range of light & darkest areas of an image attract our attention & help to move our eyes through an image
     - find light source, take advantage of!
     - subtle changes in value can provide a sense of depth
Darker- melancholy mood
Lighter- update & positive feeling
Shape and Form
- Putting person in middle of frame gives a sense of a importance does not have to compete with background
      - formal portraits
      - a triangle makes it feel balanced

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