Photos for:
- memories preserved
- proof
- a record of an accomplishment
Brownie Camera- original Kodak
- 1st year 1/4 mill. sold
Invention of Postcards- to show what is happening
Gilbert Grover- Made National Geographic (magazine based on photographs)
Edward Curtis- Photographed native Americans
Frank Gilbrith- by viewing pictures produced faster methods of production for workers
Jacob Reese- tppk pictures of the poor to open viewers eyes
Paul Strand- invented straight photography > highlighting shapes/ taking pictures the way they are
Victorialist Photos:
looked like drawings/ paintings
the idea that pictures couldn't be taken by just anyone and needed human influence to become art
WWI Photos:
- Pres. Wilson opens propoganda
- media can only use photos that were to raise moral within U.S.
New York Post- first to base on pictures